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From BurnZero
Revision as of 04:40, 10 May 2023 by WikiSysop (talk | contribs)

Welcome to BurnZero.

An exploration to find new ways of thinking.

This Open-Source Wiki is being maintained by an anonymous group of verified professional scientific moderators. We induce neuroplastic states, reference authoritative Sci-hub data and aim to write articles in an easily digestible style. We offer a bounty for any errors you might find, to claim, post on our anonymous subreddit. Click the link if you would like to apply to become part of the editorial team or be notified of any updates via our mailing list.

What is good? Is good defined by laws in a book or should it be determined on an individual basis? If it comes from a book the law will say that stealing is bad, however what if a parent were to steal food for a starving child? Is that bad? Seems a little grey! Welcome to the concept of relativity of ethics where a terrorist can be also seen as a freedom fighter. When you consider framing, not much can be deemed universally good or bad as we are all individuals in our own circumstance. However there is one thing we all have in common, the earth, our home. What is good, is the common protection of our only finite planet. However, wars still rage whilst our planet burns.

Logically, we should be on a war footing stopping the bad habits and building the transparent organisations and renewable technologies we need. However, cognitive biases and popular delusions persist. The only way that is known to break out of these restraints in time are to induce pivotal mental states (PIM), however as we cannot readily induce a near death experience, or launch into space the easiest way to achieve a PIM is via psychedelics. These much maligned medicines are now being decriminalised globally.

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