
From BurnZero

Proposals are ideas submitted by readers of this wiki which are then considered for commissioning. Successfully commissioned proposals are those which help The Transparent Company meet requirements set out in the roadmap and highlighted below. To see active and completed proposals see the commissions page. If you would like to submit an anonymous proposal use the embedded cryptpad below, otherwise if you would like to be directly commissioned to enact an idea, make a proposal submission here, all accepted proposals are paid immediately through Paypal or Bitcoin.

Governance Proposals

Submit a proposal if you have an idea about how Burnzero can become more efficient in its operations, this may include suggestions of how Burnzero or T-Corp can become more Transparent, how its incorporation statement can be improved or generally how its processes could be refined .

Membership Growth Proposals

As per the Roadmap, Burnzero is an a growth stage, our current main objective is to build the readership base of and the burnzero subreddit. If you would like to be commissioned to enact an idea make a proposal submission here, all accepted proposals must meet the roadmap requirements are paid immediately through Paypal or Bitcoin.

Automated Business Proposals

To ensure we can keep commissioning into the future we are looking for proposals for new automated businesses ideally these should be low negative externality producers.


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