Tough Love

From BurnZero

Tough love is when something is done usually to a child which it necessarily doesn't want at that time but is administered to the child as it is best for the child in the long run. An example of this are doctors surgeries, it you have a look on Google on average doctors surgeries around the world are rated with lower rating than their local mcdonalds. It may look odd however it is perfectly logical.

A Mcdonalds is trying to serve your immediate needs, it's not called fast food for nothing. If the food was slower you would quite rightly complain. The priciple of Macdonald and corporations is to serve your need in as as quickly and as low cost as possible and they do a great job! By diminishing the value of externalities and ensuring the majority of wages are kept low they can deliver a fast and efficient service which is what they are there for. At a doctors surgery the economics are somewhat different. Understandably there are some doctor feel goods which will provide a fast an effective service and this is fine if it is in the interest of both. Say blood pressure, the doctor measures your BP, prescribes you medicine and your life is prolonged due to reduced BP. However, all doctors must take the hippocratic oath which states above all the patient should be paramount. So what might happen is another example. A patient who is reliant on opiates wants more as they are extremely addictive. The doctor knows in their wisdom that there is a down regulation pain receptors and more opiates is not a good thing as there can be a wide range of negative consequences. Therefore if the doctor is doing their job correctly, they will need to administer Tough Love. I.e. saying no to a patient, to their dissatisfaction however in the long run it is the bets thing for them.

In a more relevant context, imagine humans in their car travelling to work over a bridge. Whilst working in a machine bent on environmental destruction but Joe has to pay his mortgage. He is stuck on a bridge, late for work where he imagine his boss may fire him. A young activist blockades the bridge to highlight to all of us the long term consequence of business as usual. The activist is subsequently arrested and interviewed by the police, the police mention to him do you not know you are inconveniencing those driver getting to work.

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