Computer games

From BurnZero

A delusion is defined as an idiosyncratic belief or impression maintained despite being contradicted by reality or rational argument, typically as a symptom of mental disorder. Delusions are often unwanted escapes from reality and often have negative connotations as they can skew reality. Computer are wanted delusions to escape normal reality. The computer games industry is almost double the size of the movie industry[1].

However, video game development sits aside from the movie and tv industry as it is not a passive activity. Games create a new world and set a new set of parameters everytime a new game is created. These are made by computer game designers to be addictive, so that you will come back. Candy crush uses colours and progression techniques to make sure gamers come back for more. However it works two ways, if the the game industry comes up with a new idea for a MMPORG a new way for you to advance and get hooked it will deploy it and be able to garner how effective it is by reporting back to the compter games head office. This whay they know what works and can tweak it in later editions of the games. This is fine, however proprietary data pools have been created each owned by a different corporate entity. These entities do not share their information. Unlike the medical sector which peer reviews and openly publishes, proprietary data is locked inside of different corporation data pools. If these entities were to share and compare notes, work together analysis from games could bring a greater understanding of how humans operate.

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