Bad science

From BurnZero
Revision as of 00:35, 31 August 2022 by WikiSysop (talk | contribs)
Hierarchy of Sciences
Figure 1. Hierarchy of Sciences

If something is said to be science or news it does not automatically make it fact, it is merely opinion. A fact is the result of a process which looks at a topic, critically analyses as many views as possible then gives the best answer.

Data is the raw form of information, but as there is so much of it it's often not palatable for us to mentally digest. So we rely on those smarter than us to interpret the data and present us with something more easily consumed. These smarter, third parties usually take the form of knowledgeable experts often working within corporations to relay this information. However, the third party, as it requires funds, and often biases the information making it devoid of fact.

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