Time for Change.
Hey thanks for coming, this site needs your help making sure that what is presented is accurate. This Wiki (much the same format as Wikipedia) been created to help compile figure one idea about how we might take a different tact and help formulate a way we can quietly nudge aspects of our society away from collapse.
This site has been created in the format of a to log and clarify some ideas about how these nudges might be done. As such I commit to reference any facts stated to robust regulated scientific papers, however, nevertheless this site will contain errors large and small. If you find a meaningful factual error, please register on this site and correct it. If you find typos, please let me know but I do not think I will pay you for those. Overall, please let me know either record a voice message below or type on the cryptopad, it is all anonymous. any feedback or suggestions on how I could make this more useful! This is a developing article, if you have time please give me some feedback.
We all have had a long collective history, but now this is all in jeopardy. Some believe we as individuals can slow its progression by adopting better consumption patterns. Others believe we can look to our entrenched politicians for answers.This might take the form of recycling plastics or paying charities to reduce people's use of firewood is doing a disservice to the cause. However whether it is recycling plastics or lip service from lobbied politicians it seems neither is effective. By greenwashing ourselves it temporarily relieves the anxiety intended for a much bigger problem. This website serves as log of an expedition to find something better.
In healthcare, when someone has a stomach ache, you can quickly treat it by going to a pharmacy. The pharmacist can address the immediate problem, indigestion = antacids, diarrhoea = loperamide, pain = analgesics. However whilst the acute symptoms may subside, you have just removed a key bodily warning system which might remind you that something more serious is wrong. The same is to say with our actions to save the environment, whilst well-meaning, not using plastic straws only helps relieve a symptom of a much larger problem. The science of third parties trying to convince you of these facts is not nefarious, there's no James Bond villain stroking his white cat. Its simply that we are living in a society which bases its success on profit. A classic example of greenwashing is when Volkswagen admitted to cheating emissions tests by fitting various vehicles with a “defect” device, with software which could detect when it was undergoing an emissions test and altering the performance to reduce the emissions level.
The Goal.
There are two players. One a nihilistic machine whose sole goal is the accumulation of profit, the other is us. However both are on the same ship. The machine is killing the life support that we are both on, they dont fully realise it yet but they are starting to. There will come a point where some of the cogs working within the machine will start realising we are both on the same ship and realise it needs to stop. The realisation will most probably come from environmental black swans. Hurricanes, floods, famine. There are accelerationist amongst us. Who believe this point is inevitable and hedonistically consume quickening all of our demise. You have to believe we can save the ship, look at your children, look at the ground, underneath the bones of thousands of generations of your ancestors. Then look to the sky, a lifeless, dark universe. Lets not be proof of Fermi's paradox. Lets sort this shit out.
To resolve this we must look upstream ---->