The Crisis

From BurnZero
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8 billion people living in a culture of infinite growth on a finite planet is causing some problems. As the machine mindlessly forges on, the first crises are precipitating into everyone's everyday lives. Plastics in our oceans, wildfires and floods on our land and forever chemicals in our waterways. As the machine doesn't account for externalities, ecological devastation for the benefit of a few has driven despair and inequality for the rest of us. As our politics are captured, we have nowhere to turn apart from escapism but as the inescapable heat rises we turn our surrogate parents, our doctors, psychiatrists and therapists as a last resort. But as Huxley prophesied our last line cannot fix a broken system but can only serve to pacificy our pain. Instead of rallying to the inadequacy of the system, billions escape through infinite entertainment or pacified by medication.

Figure 1. Endogenous and Exogenous pacification.

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