
From BurnZero

Proposals are ideas submitted by readers of this wiki which are then considered for commissioning. Proposals need to either meet our current goal which is to publicize this wiki and help it better meet the tenet or aim to meet our further goal which is to increase funding by the creation of DSAOs. To see active and completed proposals see the commissions page.

If you would like to submit an anonymous proposal use the embedded cryptpad below, otherwise if you would like to submit directly use the Contact Us form.

Governance Proposals

If you have an idea about how Burnzero can become more transparent in its operations, we have already paid people to do so (see the commissions page). Just make your suggestions on the cryptpad below (it make take a few moments to load), if accepted commissions are paid immediately through Paypal or Bitcoin.

Membership Growth Proposals

Burnzero is an a growth stage, our current main objective is to build the readership base of and the burnzero subreddit. If you have any ideas about how to achieve this, please submit your ideas using the Cryptpad above.

DSAO Proposals

Creating the DSAOs is the long term objective of If you would like to make any suggestions of DSAOs which meet the tenets please use the Cryptpad above to submit your ideas.

A - Online Training ☑

This is the primary DSAO, BurnZero has set up an online learning platform called Prepare.Online, where anyone can submit a course online via and enter a 30% Transparent Company / 70% you profit share.

B - Renewable Hosting

BurnZero is hosted on a industry standard server meaning it is more than likely powered by coal. The first action to address therefore would be to minimise the externality caused by the server by using a renewable energy source.

C - Sea Water Conversion

Sea water, conversion to clean water. Using parabolic mirrors to condense light onto thermo/photovoltaic[1] cells which generate electricity to power no-filter[2] water filtration units.

D - Tool Rental

Tool Library

A communally shared, low use / duration tools rental service which provides saws and axel grinders to people in an area.

E - Data Centre Heat

Turn the heat produced by a data centre into heating for a house or even a city[3].

F - Solar

Build an phone application similar to where the recycling cost of the solar panel is factored into the rebate made.

G - Green Hydrogen

Store renewable energy in the form of hydrogen opposed to electrochemical energy in batteries.[4]


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