Bad science

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If something is said to be science or news it does not automatically make it fact. Data is the raw form of information but as there is so much of it it's often not palatable for us to mentally digest. So we rely on those smarter than us to interpret the data and present us with something more easily consumed. These smarter, third parties usually take the form of knowledgeable experts working within corporations employed to relay this information. However, the third party, as it requires funds often biases the information which has made the use of critical analysis indispensable.

Hierarchy of Sciences
Figure 1. Hierarchy of Sciences
‘All science is either physics or stamp collecting’
~ Ernest Rutherford, a man who is considered the father of nuclear physics.

As everything is made of atoms, it is arguable that every science is essentially a child of physics as physics is based on the most elementary particles, using the most elementary form of analysis, mathematics. This can be depicted in a hierarchical sense (Figure 1) the further down the hierarchy you move the more complex and multifaceted the science becomes. For instance a mathematical proof of the Higgs Boson is provable by mathematics, whereas in social sciences because their are so many interlaced factors it is more difficult to get to the absolute root cause.

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