SSRI and psychedelics

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Many of the subjective and biological effects of classical psychedelics are blocked after administering 5HT2AR antagonists such as ketanserin.[1][2] This leads to the potential for serotonin syndrome and a decrease in subjective psychedelic effects. However, there is no empirical data on the interaction between psychedelics and antidepressants, and whether this raises the risk of serotonin syndrome.


  1. Preller KH, Herdener M, Pokorny T, Planzer A, Kraehenmann R, Stämpfli P, et al. The Fabric of Meaning and Subjective Effects in LSD-Induced States Depend on Serotonin 2A Receptor Activation. Curr Biol. 2017 Feb;27(3):451–7.
  2. Ly C, Greb AC, Cameron LP, Wong JM, Barragan EV, Wilson PC, et al. Psychedelics Promote Structural and Functional Neural Plasticity. Cell Rep. 2018 Jun 12;23(11):3170–82.

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