SSRI and psychedelics

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Pre-2023 it was a commonly held belief by healthcare practitioners that there was a theoretical interaction between psychedelics and SSRIs that may cause serotonin syndrome, a potentially fatal reaction. However, the serotonin theory of action of antidepressants[1] and psychedelics is now under debate and there is now some empirical data to suggest that there is a weak interaction[2] or even no interaction[3].


  1. “No convincing evidence”. BMJ 2022; 378 doi: (Published 20 July 2022) BMJ 2022;378:o1808
  2. Attenuation of psilocybin mushroom effects during and after SSRI/SNRI antidepressant use. Natalie Gukasyan. Accessed on 14 Jun 2023 via :
  3. Psilocybin for treatment resistant depression in patients taking a concomitant SSRI medication. Goodwin, G.M., Croal, M., Feifel, D. et al. Neuropsychopharmacol. (2023).

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