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Since the early 1900s, there has been a lot of unbeknownst human social programming via [[advertising]]. This has not occurred via some grand conspiracy or cloaked villain but it is simply an emergent feature of the system we live within. The potency of advertising techniques increased dramatically in the 1920's following the discovery of exploitable prehistoric [[Heuristics|mental constructs]].  
What is good? Is good defined by a laws in a book or on an individual basis? For instance, the law will say that stealing is against the law and therefore bad, however what if a parent were to steal food for a starving child? This is the concept of relativity of ethics. If you boil this down not much can be deemed universally good or bad apart from what is common. The main thing me, you, us all have in common is the earth that we stand on and the biosphere we breath. What is good is the common protection of our only finite home. However, wars still rage and our planet burns. We are stuck in our [[cognitive biases]] and [[popular delusions]] which themselves are protected by [[cognitive dissonance]]. To move forward as a society we first must recognise that this is a problem then commit to solving it.

Selling more stuff was fine until, in the late 60's when scientists who had access to new data realised as a planet we cannot afford endless consumption as we are [[Ecological crisis|using up 170 percent of what we can regenerate annually]]. It has taken over 50 years for environmentalism to penetrate popular consciousness. However, there are still some which fail to understand that if you are a smoker diagnosed with lung cancer you should not rely on the invention of a future remedy, you need to stop smoking now.
The only sure fire way that is known to break out of these restraints is to induce [[Pivotal Mental States|pivotal mental states]] (PIM). As we cannot readily induce a [[Near Death Experience|near death experience]], or launch into space the easiest way to achieve a (PIM) is via [[psychedelics]]. In most places around the world, due to the [[War on Drugs]] these medicines have been criminalised. However, there is now a new movement recognising the safety and efficacy of these medicines and as such they have been decriminalised in Oregon (US) and are becoming licensed medicines in Australia 1st July 2023. <hr/>
There is a desperate need for a way to roll back the cultural programming of the last century. [[Psychedelics]] present the only viable way to unlearn bad behaviours within the given timeline. Perhaps if used responsibly we can then get on with developing the solar, hydrogen and open source technologies we need for a brighter future. <hr/>

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