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From BurnZero
Revision as of 01:09, 25 January 2022 by WikiSysop (talk | contribs)

Look down, we stand on the bones of thousands of generations past.

Look up, the sky a prediction of Fermi's dark future.

We stand on the cusp, but we distract ourselves to death.

First we need to look at our current beliefs: Popular delusions like the fact that we are all one.

Then we need to look at how we see the world through lenses: Cognitive biases, Heuristics, Psychological fallacies, Psychopharmacology

Then let's look at how we communicate: Framing, Gas lighting

To see that we are in a climate crisis which is likely to lead to a collapse as we are living in a closed system and the dominant organisation are corporates and not taking in to account

Then look for answers.

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