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From BurnZero
Revision as of 03:41, 15 June 2022 by WikiSysop (talk | contribs)

We are running out of places to turn for answers to the ecological crisis. Whilst we have remedies, they are solutions for the symptoms (deforestation, biodiversity loss, climate change...) not the machine at the core. Most of us don't know its there, some know but have been pacified to fight it and those we elevate to fight for us have been captured by it. There is a type of bannerism, tribe, creed that separates us. To defeat a foe it's usually said you should divide and conquer, however, we do it to ourselves through egotism. XR have their band, Greenpeace has another, Sea Shepherd... all fight for essentially the same cause but are segregated. To make a force that works needs economies of scale, solidarity. However to do such a thing trust is needed. The first great experiment was communism which firmly defeated our naive ignorance of our selfish genes. Instead of ignoring this fact and building new failed institutions after failed institutions, we should accept the fact. i.e. we can work in a group but our primary goal will always be the preservation of self first. Given this, you can see why socialism often doesn't take hold in a society. There is a grandiose ideology that humans have satiety, give them their basic needs they will want for no more. This is rarely the case as our neurochemistry evolved for us to always want and we are constantly fed advertising to consume more. During the times of communism, one human would break the altruistic rank, this corrupts the outliers and then the rest follow. From the instigation of any solution, this must be addressed from the outstart. There needs to be the understanding that humans are corruptible by status differentials.

To combat the corruption, you could address the system itself, i.e. instead of making hierarchical structures which are prone to corruption a flatter structure could be used such as a holacracy. The issue with this is productivity slumps as there is no self profit incentive (i.e. carrot for the worker to work harder for promotion etc). There is also much data on the fact that flatter hierarchical structure as less productive. Hierarchical structures are needed, due to efficiency, however the problem remains how to address the corruption issue? Transparency.

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