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Revision as of 13:41, 4 October 2022 by WikiSysop (talk | contribs)

Welcome to BurnZero.

An exploration to find new ways of thinking.

To get out of the ecological crisis we need to make a new coalition of people. Unfortunately, we cannot just make another corporation as there seems to be some fundamental issues with this traditional mechanism. BurnZero posits a traditional corporation is analogous to a machine, a machine that operates through its structure driven by its primary objective, profit, meaning everything is subservient to this. This is why Google removed removed "Don't be evil" from its code of conduct / incorporation statement.

Burnzero, suggests that new coalition should use a series of hierarchical Tenets as a type of ROM of the business so this cannot be edited in the future. The first Tenet is Transparency, which many people would think is the WORST thing you can do in business as profit is often made behind closed doors. However, its Burnzero's argument is that in a hyper liquid economy such as the internet where you reach peak state in many sectors purely middle man digital sectors such as tickets sales, online education, cloud services the only point of differentiation is within the moral relativism space.

You can see this already in action at the moment with Stripe's Climate Service vs the more traditional services like Paypal or the success of companies like Patagonia. However, even though a minority of these companies are forging ahead, there remains a massive problem with accountability and veracity of claims. An abundance of companies are flooding into this space to certify other companies that are "green" or "ethical" one prime example is the "B Corporation" however these types of system mask a massive conflict of interest. For instance, if a company pays a third party to certify itself as green, what if after the payment has been taken the third party fails to certify the company under the criteria? In a market with only one certifier the company have no choice to move (this is the principle of government certification / licensing), however in the market where there is little to no regulation, with bevy of competition (watch Seaspiracy: Netflix) it means a negative feedback loop is generated and self regulation is ultimately doomed.

So where to go from here? Government eco/ethical certification would be great, but that isn't going to happen as to meet the Paris Agreement requirements will require a contraction in living standards GDP. i.e. any governmental democratic power is massively reliant on lots of non-eco/ethical activity (See most recently September 8, 2022: "UK to announce dozens of new North Sea oil and gas licences"). Self regulation isn't going to work, as above. So the only way forward would be design a new machine which deals with these issues from inception.

This is nothing new, benevolent machines such as NFP's / Charities such as GreenPeace and WWF have been operating since the 60's. However because of their governmental status which exempts the from Income Tax and Corporation Tax, they operate is such a way that if they piss off the State their Tax Exemption Status may be revoked. Which would lead to a massive reduction income. The second debilitating issue that compounds this primary issue is that a charities primary tenet opposed to pursuit of profit, is survival. Leading NFPs to over employ people and thus becoming very inefficient some estimate as high as 30%-80%.

The Transparent Company

The T-Corp solve many of these problems by baking 100% transparency from the start. This is done in a number of ways:


All revenues are centrally received into a Stripe account, where they are held. Current balance and all previous transactions data is then openly published to a Decentralised Repository ( This gives the assurance that retrospective falsification of records cannot occur and the system shouts about this via its automated Twitter account (

Then following the incorporation which we hope finalise in the next month, we are going to establish a DSAO to start generating funds to further the project. We already have a DSAO running ( however it lacks the Incorporation of the T-Corp, which leads to the bank account which leads to the Stripe which leads to the publication.

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